How to submit archiving documents
Submit as a single PDF file for each course
After preparing all of the individual documents needed for a course, combine your files into a single PDF. (Online tools such as Sejda and iLovePDF make this quite easy.) Repeat this process for each course and section that you taught.
Email to Academic Affairs
During the archiving period, you will receive an email from a member of the Academic Affairs team reminding you about archiving and informing you of the archiving deadline for the semester. You can send your completed archiving PDFs to this same person.
Required documents for archiving
Please compile the necessary documents in the following order:
Final grade sheet with signature
In SAIS, choose 'Grade' → 'Grade Management' → 'Final Grade by Class' → Print
Sign the printed copy, then scan it to a digital copy. (Phone apps such as Adobe Scan, Office Lens and Google Drive make scanning paper documents quite easy.)
Midterm exam documents
Question sheet or task instructions (without answers)
Answer key or rubric for the exam
If not available, please write a description of how the exam is graded
An actual exam submission from one student
If the exam was conducted online using the LMS, you can download a copy of a student's exam results
Final exam documents
Question sheet or task instructions (without answers)
Answer key or rubric for the exam
If not available, please write a description of how the exam is graded
An actual exam submission from one student
If the exam was conducted online using the LMS, you can download a copy of a student's exam results
Similar to exams, documents for each major assessment (such as large projects, essays, etc.)
Question sheet or task instructions (without answers)
Answer key or rubric for the task
If not available, please write a description of how the task is graded
An actual submission from one student
Summary documents for any remaining minor assessments (such as small quizzes, small homework tasks, etc.)
A description of the type of assessment and how it was administered
A summary document showing the grades received by each student
Common questions
What is archiving?
Course archiving refers to compiling a set a documents that give an overview of all major graded work for that course.
When does archiving happen?
Archiving takes place at the end of each semester, once grades have been entered and the grade appeal period is over.
Which courses need to be archived?
Each section of each course needs to have a separate set of archiving documents compiled. If you teach multiple sections of a given course, then the same document (such as your final exam) may appear in multiple section archives.
What documents need to be archived?
The archiving documents for each course should include the syllabus, the final grade sheet, and then various documents to how each score on the final grade sheet was determined. All assessments, however small, conducted in the course should represented in the archiving documents in some way. A detailed breakdown
Why do archiving?
Both Ministry of Education guidelines and AACSB standards require that archiving be completed for each course taught at SolBridge. These archive documents are then reviewed by the Ministry of Education during the regular university evaluation. Since SolBridge is a member of AACSB, these course archives also can be reviewed as part of the school's internal continual improvement efforts and during AACSB reaccreditation reviews.