How to prepare a syllabus?
Prof. Shijith Kumar has prepared an updated syllabus template to be used with all courses at SolBridge. This updated template ensures our courses
Click here to download a copy of the syllabus template.
Prof. Kumar's guide to using the template is provided here. Following the guide when preparing your syllabus ensures that courses meet the GACCS criteria as part of the school's mission, and that the outcomes of the course are reflected and measurable through the assurance of learning (AoL) process.

Can I change the existing syllabus?
Short answer: No
Long answer: The syllabus is carefully designed after taking into account the requirements of the students, AACSB accreditation, the school's policy, and after integrating the feedback of students from previous semesters. As such, it is not a good idea to edit/remove the course content. This is especially true of CORE courses, in which the instructor is required to measure whether students are learning the AoL objectives they are supposed to learn.
Of course, you can propose the changes you want. To do this, meet the program director and discuss your ideas with him/her.
Can I propose a new syllabus for the course I want to teach?
Yes, SolBridge encourages faculty members to create new courses. This is the typical process:
Meet your program director and discuss your ideas.
If the program director is convinced that you have a good idea for a new course, he will ask you submit a course proposal. Use this template to create your proposal (template coming soon).
Either you or the program director will submit the proposal to the head of the Curriculum Committee.
The Curriculum Committee will meet to discuss your proposed course (e.g., does the course fit the school's requirements, is it likely to interest our students, how many credits does the course merit (how rigorous is the course), is the grading criteria clearly specified, etc.)
The committee might accept your proposal without any changes or it might ask you to resubmit the proposal with revisions.
Once the resubmission/revision process is complete, use this template to finalize your syllabus (template coming soon). Submit the final version to the curriculum committee.
Your new course will be listed in the system and students can choose this new course.

Note: if the video quality is poor, click on the gear icon when the video opens and change the quality to 1080p.
How to upload my syllabus to the SAIS system?
Note for Special Lecturers: If you don't have access to SAIS yet, please send your syllabus to Prof Danielle Swanepoel ( She will make sure it's available to your students on the SAIS system.
General Procedure for Uploading a Syllabus
Before a semester begins, professors are required to upload their syllabi in the Info system. To upload your syllabus:
Login to (use internet explorer)
"SolBridge BBA" / "SolBridge MBA"
"Syllabus Registration (Prof.)"
Choose the file to upload