New to SolBridge?
Welcome to SolBridge!
We are happy to have you as a member of the SolBridge family. This page will provide you with some basic instructions about what to do when you first arrive in Korea. Please fill out the forms in this page and please read the detailed explanation there to understand the steps involved in processing your application.
If you have questions or concerns about any of the things mentioned here, please contact our HR manager Ms. Rigel Guo ( or our HR Assistant Ms. Naura Affraa Sulistya ( When your arrival is fixed, Ms. Guo and Ms. Sulistya will share their contact numbers for emergencies.
Who to contact for help
Ms. Rigel Guo, HR Manager,
All administrative matters related to visa, invitation letters, documents, contract, payment.Ms. Danielle Swanepoel, Executive Dean of Academics,
All course-related matters such as class schedule, size, mode of delivery (online/offline), syllabus, textbook, access to the LMS and Zoom.Mr. Chia Hsing ("Sing") Huang, Executive Dean of Faculty and Research Management,
Evaluation, research management, and other related issues concerning faculty members.
Page contents
New to Korea

Get Information about Living in Korea
Check the pdf file on the left for some information about living in Korea. Please visit this site for information.
Planning your Arrival
Get the accommodation address in advance from our HR team (will be sent at least 2 days before the flight)
There are 2 ways to get to Daejeon from Incheon airport:
By bus: The bus ticket can be purchased at the bus ticket counters between Exit 9 and Exit 13 at Terminal 1 and between Exit 1 and 2 at Terminal 2. When you buy your ticket, be sure to ask for a seat.
By Train: You have to purchase two train tickets: (a) from Incheon airport to Seoul Station and (b) from Seoul Station to Daejeon Station. It is more complicated because of the transfer, so we recommend you to take the bus.
When you arrive at Daejeon, take a taxi to the accommodation (show the taxi driver the address)
Click here for more information. Note: This is the detailed information provided to our students. Please note that because of lack of resources and scheduling issues, we cannot provide airport pickup for faculty.
Click here to access a short pdf guide prepared by the Student Services team for our students. Note that the residences mentioned in this file are only for students.
Resident Registration Card
Making an appointment for an Resident Registration Card (formerly called "Alien Registration Card', or 'ARC') at Immigration Office
Appointments for requesting your resident card the Immigration Office can be made only when you have already entered the country. Once you enter the country, we will make the appointment as soon as possible.
Please note that getting an appointment depends on how busy the immigration office is. It may take 7-10 days to get the appointment from your date of arrival. Important facts:
You will receive your resident card approximately 2 weeks after the appointment date.
We will provide all the required documents, with all the necessary instructions.

You will be assigned an apartment in the faculty dorm (if space is available) or in nearby private apartment complexes which will be within walking distance of SolBridge.
Check the file on the left to see some pictures of sample apartments.
Apartment size depends on your family size
Location of the apartment depends on availability
Equipment in the Apartment
Check the following links (or click on the pictures on the left to know how to operate some equipment in your apartment)
Washing Machine 2 (일기장 영문).PNG
If you cannot find exact pictures of the controls in your apartment, there are more in this guide.
Medical Check-up
After your ARC is released, you must do a medical check-up at a Korean Hospital so that the school can register you under the national health insurance system. These health checks are required for all regular employees at all businesses in Korea. The price of the check-up is approximately ₩50,000.
The closest hospital to SolBridge that offers this medical check-up is located near the bus terminal.
Daejeon Hankook Hospital (대전한국병원): 대전광역시 동구 동서대로 1672
Bank Account
Once you have your ARC, you can open a bank account at KEB Hana Bank. Barring a few exceptions, all salary payments are monthly payments deposited in wons in your Korean bank account.
Bank Address: 841 Daejeon-ro, Dong gu, Daejeon
Bank Address (in Korean): 대전 동구 대전로 841
Getting a Korean Sim Card
Before getting your ARC, you can buy a temporary sim card by using your passport number. When you receive your ARC, you can get a permanent number.
Useful Resources
A Facebook group for expatriates living in Daejeon.
A page maintained by the students of SolBridge to buy and sell items among themselves.
Sabashnee Mandy Pillay, Assistant Human Resources Director of Woosong University, maintains an excellent handbook. There's information about Housing, Equipments, Transportation and many other aspects about living in Daejeon. Click the link above or the file on the right.

New to SolBridge
Faculty ID and Accounts
When you submit the required documents, you will be issued a Faculty ID, an email address (you can customize the "someone" part in, a Zoom account (if necessary), a Turnitin account (if you need to use a plagiarism checker), and a MySolBridge account.
Notes for Special/Guest Lecturers:
If you are a guest faculty member or special lecturer teaching only one or two courses for SolBridge:
You likely won't have your own SolBridge faculty ID or Zoom account
Your course will be loaded under a regular faculty member's account
You can access SAIS, Smart LMS, and the attendance website using the shared ID and password provided to you
Using Zoom (special/guest lecturers)
If you already have a licensed Zoom account, please use that.
You can post a meeting link on the Smart LMS.We recommend not using use a personal Zoom account.
Free accounts are limited to just 40-minute meetings. Ending and restarting a Zoom meeting in the middle of class is quite disruptive.If you don't have access to a licensed Zoom account, we will provide with one shared with another professor.
We will try our best to avoid overlap between the classes of professors sharing the account. Please do not schedule extra classes or student meetings using this account without first making sure that it is not being used by someone else.
Check the Online Lectures & Zoom page here for more information, including a guide for first-time users.