SolBridge Academic Information System(the "info system")
Logging in: Use your faculty ID & password
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What is SAIS?
The SAIS website ( is our school's system for logging and viewing information about courses, students and faculty. It is used for the following purposes:
Check/download the final list of students enrolled in your class
Approve undergraduate students' request to Drop the Course
Answer students' Grade Appeals, Submit Corrections
Check Student Evaluations and Read Student Feedback
Enter Performance Management data (e.g, Research Publications)
Guides here may reflect the old version of SAIS
SAIS was recently updated with a complete visual overhaul. Screenshots and screen recordings in the guides on this page and others may reflect the old visual style of SAIS.
The content of SAIS, including the menu structure and the layout of buttons and such, remains mostly the same, just with a more modern look. As such, the guides provided here are still relevant and useful to faculty.
Grade Management on SAIS
See the Grades page for more information about grade-related matters (grading policy, entering grades, grade appeal, grade correction, etc.)
Inputting Grades on SAIS
Please see the appropriate section of the Grades page for more information.

Handling Grade Appeals and Grade Correction
Click on the pdf file (created by the Academic Affairs Team) on the left and read pages 2-3 to learn how to deal with Grade Appeals from students. This resource also clearly specifies how to do Grade Correction. Notes:
Grading appeal and correction period opens for a short time (about a week) towards the end of the semester after the period to enter grades is over.
Please be sure to reply to all grade appeals.
Please make sure that you finish your grade entering, answering grade appeals, and submitting grade corrections before committing to activities such as vacations or extended leaves.

Answer Grade Appeals
Answer students' Grade Appeals; Submit Corrections

Check timetable
Check your timetable / schedule for a semester.

Upload Syllabus
You are required to upload your syllabus before a term starts (watch this video instead).

Get Student List
Find out how many students are enrolled in your class and get their email addresses (watch this video instead). You can get the list from Smart too (see how).

Student Feedback
Read Student Feedback and Check Evaluation Scores

Enter CQI data
Enter Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) data
Frequently Asked Questions about SAIS
Do I really need to use SAIS?
Yes. It's not great, but it's what we have. There's no other way to input final grades, log CAP mentoring, etc.
When working with SAIS, please start important tasks, such as grade entry, as early as possible to allow time to solve any potential issues.
Can the grade entry deadline be extended?
No. The system has to be closed for all users at the deadline. If you have an extreme emergency, contact Academic Affairs.
Can I have this information in a document?
Yes you can! Please see this comprehensive guide for SAIS from the Academic Affairs team. Much of the information here is from that guide.
I have a question that's not answered here.
If your question was not answered, ask it here.