nSmart LMS
(newer, Canvas-based version)
Logging in: Use your faculty ID (same as SAIS)
There are two versions of the LMS. Currently, you're free to use either one. However:
Please clearly tell your students which one you will use for your course. We recommend posting an announcement about this on both the older LMS and the newer LMS, regardless of which one you will be using.
Course material posted on one LMS will not automatically appear on the other LMS. We advise choosing one LMS and using the same one for the whole semester. (See below for information about importing/exporting course material.)
Page contents
Please help us protect textbook copyright
For copyright reasons, professors should never upload a textbook on Smart.
Starter guide
The slides here provide a visual guide through the key elements of the new LMS, specifically covering the content below. (This guide assumes a basic familiarity with LMS software in general.)
Coming from stock Canvas
Coming from old Smart
Adding material
Material types
Multiple course sections
Adding people
Publishing material
New Smart LMS vs. stock Canvas
The newer LMS (at nsmart.wsu.ac.kr) is based on Canvas, a popular open-source LMS. It has been highly customized; the interface appears quite difference from stock Canvas, however most of the underlying functionality is the same.
Key differences
The "Modules" menu is renamed to "Class"
There is no dedicated mobile phone app. (The mobile browser version works well for most purposes.)
Canvas-based Smart LMS ("the new LMS") vs. Moodle-based Smart LMS ("the old one"): Key differences
The new version of the Smart LMS is based on the Canvas platform, and offers a significant improvement over the Moodle 2.3 platform that the old version of the Smart LMS is based on. Broadly speaking, the core functionality is mostly the same, but it's now easier to do those same tasks. The items below represent some of the important but less obvious things to know about the Canvas platform.
Key differences
Course settings are spread across three menus:
General settings page: Gear icon button in top right corner of main course page
Weighting of assignment categories: 'Activity' menu ➔ 'Assignments' page ➔ ⋮ menu ➔ 'Assignment group weights'
Grading settings (late assignment policy, etc.): 'Evaluation' menu ➔' Grades' page ➔ 'Rule settings' icon button
You need to 'publish' course material before it can be viewed by students. (This includes the course page itself.)
Publish the course page using the 'Publish' button on the main course page.
Publish individual material by clicking on the hollow checkmark icon in the module content list.
You can add your RA to your course as a TA from the people page.
Search using the 'SIS ID' option and your RA's SolBridge student ID
(Please don't add students who aren't registered or who registered late. This will be handled by Academic Affairs.)
If you teach multiple sections of a course, you can copy course material to those other sections.
'Class' page ➔ ⋮ menu beside any module or item ➔ 'Copy to ...'
You can export course material from the older version of Smart to the newer version. Check the page about the older LMS for details.
You can create student groups and give assignments (and grades) as a group. You can make the group yourself or let students organize themselves into groups within the LMS. By default, the option to allow students to create their own groups is on. If you don't want students to create their own groups within the LMS, then turn this option off.
Steps: Course page ➔ Settings button (top right corner) ➔ 'more options' button ➔ 'Let students organize their own groups' option
Getting a list of enrolled students
You can see a list of all enrolled students in the LMS in the 'People/groups' item in the main menu within your course.
Please note that the LMS data is automatically imported from SAIS approximately once per day. During the first week of the semester when many students are adding and dropping courses, it is better to access the most up-to-date your list of students through SAIS.
If you wish to download a list of enrolled students through the LMS, you can use the 'Evaluation' ➔ 'Grades' page, then the 'Export file' button below the search bar. This will give you a CSV with student names and IDs (and all of their grades).
This list does not include students' email addresses. You can access a list of students that includes email addresses through SAIS.
Adding an RA to your course
The new LMS (at nsmart.wsu.ac.kr) allows you to add your RA to your courses, but with limited permissions.
Users can be added to a course through the 'People/Group' page. Search for users through their student/faculty ID.
You can give an RA the 'TA' role, which will allow them to review assignment submissions and write grading comments to students.
However, the 'TA' role cannot grade assignments.
You can give an RA the 'Designer' role, which will allow them to add and modify course material.
Only users with the 'Teacher' role (i.e. the designated instructor of the course) can grade student submissions, and new teachers cannot be added to a course. (If you add an additional teacher, they will be automatically removed within a day, when the LMS data syncs with the SAIS course information.)
If you would like your RA to assist with grading work, they will need to do so through your account.