Logging in: Use your faculty email & password that you created
If you're logging in for the first time, see instructions below
What is MySolBridge?
MySolBridge is a campus engagement platform. All events, workshops, special lectures, job opportunities, etc. that happen on campus are listed here. Students can sign up for events, join a club, schedule meetings with professors, find job opportunities, search a directory of SolBridgers and more. It's for everything that's going on at SolBridge today or in the coming days or weeks.
How can I access it?
Here's a direct link to MySolBridge.
All new faculty will have accounts set up for them. (If you don't have an account, contact Daniel Corks (office #211).)
The first time you log in, you'll have to create a password for your account. Click on the "Forgot Password?" button on the sign in page.
There are also phone apps available for iOS and Android.
Setting up office hours appointments
MySolBridge has a powerful and easy-to-use meeting scheduler that can link with your Google Calendar or Office 365 calendar.
We ask that all professors set up their availabilities for meetings with students on MySolBridge. This way it's easier for students since they can come to one page and book a meeting with any professor.
Details about how to set up appointment scheduling through MySolBridge can be found on the Scheduling Office Hours page.
Meeting scheduler on MySolBridge: Login ➔ Home ➔ Connection Programs
Promote your events, special lectures, competitions, etc.
MySolBridge is our main way to advertise upcoming events to students and let them register in advance. During the semester you'll see many upcoming events listed on the platform.
If you are involved with a club event, a special lecture from an invited speaker, a competition or any other kind of extracurricular event, we want to help you attract attendees and participants by advertising it on MySolBridge! Many clubs and programs already have pages set up on the platform already where events can be created. If you're not sure about how to get started, contact Daniel Corks or Annemari Ferriera for more information.
What else can I do on MySolBridge?
Useful features for professors include:
Everyone at SolBridge is listed and searchable by name, graduation year, program, interests, languages spoken, and more.Email marketing
A robust email marketing tool (akin to MailChimp) which you can use to email all students or target particular groups, and also track how many people actually opened and read your email. Useful for promoting any extracurricular event you may be associated with.
The platform is primarily intended to drive engagement from students. If you're not involved with events or clubs on campus, then there might not be much reason for you to engage with the platform personally.